AtlasPay is a payments advisory company focused on optimizing payments acceptance. We help businesses reduce costs, increase operational efficiencies and improve the customer payment experience. Let us handle the processing so you can focus on what you do best - running your business!
As an experienced and trusted payments advisor, we don’t assume what you want to do or force you into a solution that is not best for your business. We ask you about your processing needs and provide the best options available.
So, what do you want to do?

Apply for a New Merchant Account, Add an Additional Account, or Switch Accounts
AtlasPay will help you understand all options available to you by utilizing our vast network of providers. We handle all the heavy lifting to ensure an easy and smooth process and to get you up and running with your merchant account. See our services page for more information.

Processing Analysis
The first step in understanding your current processing situation begins with a payment processing analysis. All we require is a single month of your processing statements to get started. We provide a comprehensive and honest assessment of the total cost of accepting payments and share the results with you. The report is yours to keep It’s simply part of the service we provide. No charge – No obligation – No problem

Don’t Have a Payment Processing Expert on Your Staff? Want one?
Another service that AtlasPay provides is its consulting services. Whether you are wondering if you are getting a fair rate, ready to switch processors and nervous to pull the trigger because you would like an expert’s validation of your offer, or would like a monthly processing analysis to make sure you are getting your contracted rates from your current processor, AtlasPay can help! No business is too large or small to take advantage of this service, it's much more economical than hiring a full time employee. Contact us today and lets discuss your needs!